July 28, 2024

Case Study: SPIRALIFT® SR: Solves Major Septage Disposal Problem

Jane Cooper

Spiralift SR With Taskmaster TT

Septage haulers in a rural Florida County used to offload their truck’s gooey contents into a large open field. That all changed when the local residents’ complaints about noxious odors led to television and newspaper coverage. That’s when county officials directed the local wastewater treatment facility to come up with a better method of septage disposal. The plant manager researched the available options and spoke to other plants. Based on the information gathered, a decision was made to purchase a SPIRALIFT® SR from Franklin Miller Inc.

The SPIRALIFT SR is a complete, turnkey septage receiving system that features dependable operation, easy installation and low operating costs. This system is designed to receive, grind, wash, screen and separate septage solids. A special hauler control station monitors and authenticates haulers for automated access.

Once the hauler hooks up to the system, a TASKMASTER® Model TT grinder chews up the incoming septage solids – a key to reliable system performance. The grinder housing has a special built-in tramp trap to collect heavy unshreddable solids. The septage solids are then screened and washed in the unit’s fully enclosed shaftless spiral screen and conveyed to the unit discharge. The screened liquids then pass into the plant headworks. The SPIRALIFT tank and grinder enclosures are constructed of stainless steel.

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