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July 28, 2024

DELUMPER® Aids in Polymer Production

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Jane Cooper

Steel Fire Equipment in Ontario, Canada needed help with their polymer production. The plant produces polymer for fire extinguishers. The pneumatic production system processes chemicals that often clump and sometimes even form into stone. They needed a crusher that could break up these chunks or the material would not flow through the system and the entire process would come to a halt. Steel Fire also needed the machine to be able to handle their production rate of 3000 – 4000 pounds of material a day and be powerful enough to break up very hard chunks.

After researching possible solutions, they found that the Franklin Miller DELUMPER® crusher could meet their needs.  The dry chemicals are fed into the DELUMPER in either 100 kg sacks or in 25 kg or 50 kg bags.  Lumps can often be as big as a fist and very hard.

“It works great,” said Andy Fill, purchasing manager. “Even with the challenges the material often presents, there is no problem with the DELUMPER doing exactly what we need.”

The DELUMPER® L Series Crushers reduce product to a desired output size with a positive, once-through, chopping action. Cutting teeth mounted to a smooth drum rotate through sizing combs to process agglomerates and chunks and reduce oversized particles to their basic grain size without over-grind, heat rise or fines.

DELUMPER Crushers reduce lumps, crush minerals, improve product consistency, facilitate mixing, drying and conveying, and keep process lines running smoothly. These units have extraordinary processing capabilities on a wide range of materials including chemicals, sugar, food, minerals, urea, ammonium nitrate, salts, colors, plastics, pharmaceuticals and more. DELUMPER L Series crushers typically utilize specially designed teeth mounted on a smooth, rotating drum to intermesh with sizing combs, reducing solids to their basic grain size without overgrind, heat rise or fines. Lumps up to full inlet opening size can be processed. The unit runs at low speed and creates little vibration or noise.

The unit has worked well for Steel Fire for more than a decade.

Says Andy Fill, “We have had no problems at all with the DELUMPER.”

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