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July 28, 2024

Screenmaster® CS Bar screen Helps Township Weather the Stormwater

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Jane Cooper

When the township of Little Ferry, New Jersey constructed a new bridge, it created a big problem. The bridge, constructed at a traffic circle in town, created changes to the road that left a drainage pond below the water level of the Hackensack River. The problematic effect this had was immediate as local neighborhoods were flooded on a regular basis.

The town knew they had to fix this problem immediately and decided to install pumps to combat the flooding. Because the runoff was stormwater, the problem was compounded by the large solids such as leaves, branches, sticks and other debris that would enter the pumps and clog or even shut them down.

After careful research, the DOT (Department of Transportation) specified a Franklin Miller Screenmaster® CS bar screen to protect the pumps. A complication was that the unit had to be installed while the system was running as the flow could not be shut off or diverted.

The township installed a custom, oversized Screenmaster® CS bar screen, which fits in an 8 ft. wide, 20 ft. deep channel, with 13 ft. of max. water height and providing 239” of lift to the discharge. The unit was designed with a special bottom grating to handle the quantity and size of debris in the stormwater. The Screenmaster has been hard at work since its installation, filtering solids from the stormwater before they have a chance to reach the pumps, and helping keep Little Ferry flood free.

The SCREENMASTER CS features a series of rakes mounted on oversized perforated rake baskets that clear solids from a stainless bar rack and lift them up and out of the channel. It’s easy to install in new or existing channels. The SCREENMASTER installs at a 75-degree inclination so it has a very small footprint.

The design features a simple, continuous rotary motion. As the rake head passes through the bar slots collecting debris, it travels up the unit’s dead plate until it reaches a special scraper supplied with a dash pot for smooth operation. The screenings then drop out the unit’s discharge chute into a bin, conveyor or SPIRAL IFT SC screenings washing system. The unit is available in a variety of widths up to 78” wide (2 m) and for a lift height of up to 38 ft. (11.6 m).

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